Journal Paper

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Year Paper Title
1997 黎漢林,夏莉芬, 中國的進諫藝術 – 以HIC及PAC理論解析, Historical Monthly, 1997
1997 黎漢林,徐開平, 空間配置規則之推導, Journal of Architecture, vol. 23, 1997
1996 楊 千,陳文典, “應用時間變動的創新方程式估計耐久性產品需求函數:以台灣地區外銷網路卡為例”, 交大管理學報, vol. 16, pp. 121-135, 1996
1996 T.C.E. Cheng, Z.L. Chen, M.Y. Kovalyov and B.M.T. Lin, Parallel-machine batching and scheduling to minimize total completion time, IIE Transactions, 1996
1996 黎漢林, 以習性, 資訊, 能力解析決策案例 – 何以韓信能而馬謖不能, Management Information System, 8, 1996
1996 Han-Lin Li, An Efficient Method for Solving Linear Goal Programming Problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, vol. 9, 2, pp. 467-471, 1996
1996 Han-Lin Li, T. C. Chang Wang, and C. H. Hwang, Building a Classification Tree of Logo Design – the Case of Japan, Language of Design, vol. 4, 3, 1996
1996 黎漢林, 以習性, 資訊, 能力解析決策案例 – 何以韓信能而馬謖不能, Management Information System, 8, 1996
1996 Han-Lin Li, An Efficient Method for Solving Linear Goal Programming Problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, vol. 9, 2, pp. 467-471, 1996
1996 Han-Lin Li, T. C. Chang Wang, and C. H. Hwang, Building a Classification Tree of Logo Design – the Case of Japan, Language of Design, vol. 4, 3, 1996