
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2005 杨千、陈良驹, 组织知识能力与企业竞争优势之影响~以知识 管理观点探讨, ICIM2005 第十六届国际资讯管理学术研讨会, May. 28, 2005, 台北辅大
2005 Min-Jen Tsai*, The VoiceXML Dialog System for the E-Commerce Ordering Service, CSCWD2005, May. 22-27, 2005, Coventry, England
2005 Min-Jen Tsai* and Chien-Yu Yang, A Collaborated Computing System for Load Sharing with P2P Environments: A Study for the Algorithm Analysis in the Digital Watermark Filter Evaluation, CSCWD2005, May. 22-27, 2005, Coventry, England
2005 承立平、陈菁瑶, 台湾经济转型发展的企业家角色:一个制度经济的观点 , 第六届全国实证经济学研讨会, 会议论文, May. 01, 2005
2005 Li-Ping Cheng, Miracle of Economic Transformation: The Role of Entrepreneurship in Taiwan , The Symposium on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Development, 会议论文, May. 01, 2005
2005 承立平、袁建中、黄裕渊、郑伊真, 以台湾政策面探讨基因转殖作物现况与发展 , 海峡两岸农业和农村经济可持续发展研讨会, 会议论文, Apr. 01-05, 2005
2005 承立平、陈菁瑶, 论两岸农业的资源运用模式与产业转型 , 海峡两岸农业和农村经济可持续发展研讨会, 会议论文, Apr. 01-05, 2005
2005 Yeh, Y. H., Taiwan Corporate Governance System, The Third International Corporate Governance Conference, (Others), 2005, Business School of Nankai University, Tainjin, China
2005 Yeh, Y. H., and P. G. Shu, Ownership Structure and IPO Valuation, 2005 International Conference on Corporate Governance, (Others), 2005, Taipei, Taiwan
2005 Hsing-Hua Huang, Joseph J. C. Lyu, S. L. Liao , Financial Synergies and Optimal Stock Exchange Ratio in a Cross-Border M&A: A Real Option Approach , 2005 管理新思维学术研讨会, 会议论文, 2005