
搜尋類別: 關鍵字搜尋: Clear
年度 論文名稱
2005 Jou,Y. J. and Chien-LunLan, User-OrientedTravelTime Prediction Using Grey Systemand Real-timeVehicle Detector Data, International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 會議論文, 2005, Loutraki, Korinthos, Greece.
2005 Yow-Jen Jou, Jennifer Wu, Hsia Lee, Chih-Yin Wang , An Imputation Method for Incomplete O-D Table , International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2005, 會議論文, Oct. 01, 2005
2005 Yow-Jen Jou, Ming-Te Tseng , Statistical Queuing-Length Approach to System-on-Chip Signal Control , International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2005, 會議論文, Oct. 01, 2005
2005 楊千 吳佳純, 吳佳純, 企業策略與資訊系統之性校準對流程影響研究, 2005 管理與技術國際學研討會, Sep. 05, 2005, 雲林科大
2005 楊千 ,李明儒 ,楊耿杰 楊耿杰 楊耿杰 ,廖先志, 網路詐欺之法律探討與管理 --以線上拍賣為 例, 2005 工研院創新與科技管理討會, Sep. 03, 2005
2005 楊千、陳良駒、劉芳萍, 以產業觀點探討組織知識能力及競爭優勢 的發展, 2005 工研院創新與科技管理討會, Sep. 03, 2005
2005 承立平, 臺灣新興高科技中小企業之全球競爭挑戰與因應策略, 推動台日新興高科技中小企業發展研討會, 會議論文, Sep. 01, 2005
2005 Chen-Sheng Wang and Min-Jen Tsai*, Using Web Services Composition to Facilitate Business Process Development, PICMET2005, Jul. 31-Aug. 04, 2005, Portland, U.S.A.
2005 Yau-De Wang, Chyan Yang Han-Jen Niu, The Exploration of Slogan and Brand CognitionManagement,Association for Chinese Management Educators, 15th International Conference on Pacific Rim , Jul. 28-30, 2005, San Diego
2005 Li-Ping Cheng, Benjamin J. C. Yuan, Li-Min Tsou, From Performance Evaluation to Sustainable Policy: Based on Energy Research Projects Reevaluation in Taiwan , The annual 2005 IAEE Conference, 會議論文, Jun. 01, 2005