
搜尋類別: 關鍵字搜尋: Clear
年度 論文名稱
2011 S. V. Sevastyanov and B.M.T. Lin, Efficient enumeration of optimal and approximate solutions of the two-machine flowshop problem, The 13th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, 2011
2011 Junmao Chiu, Huimin chung, George H.K. Wang, Intraday Liquidity Provision in a Limit Order Market: Evidence fromTaiwan Future Market , The 2011 FMA Annual Meeting, 會議論文, 2011
2011 Chin-Ho Chen, Huimin Chung, Wen-Liang G. Hsieh,Shu-Fang Yuan , Order imbalances in Options and Volatility Risk Premium on Equity Index, 2011 KFA & TFA Joint Conference in Finance, 會議論文, 2011
2011 Wei-Peng Chen, Huimin Chung, Does the Introduction of S&P 500ETF Options Improve Price Discovery of S&P 500 ETF?, The 2011 FMA EuropeanConference, 會議論文, 2011
2011 Te-Feng Chen, Huimin Chung, Ming-Ying Lin, and Ji-Chai Lin, Why doFirms Adopting more Antitakeover Provisions have Lower Valuation?, The 2011 FMAEuropean Conference, 會議論文, 2011
2011 Te-Feng Chen, Huimin Chung, Ming-Ying Lin, Board Structure andMarket Decline Liquidity Risk, 24rd Australasian Finance and BankingConference, 會議論文, 2011
2011 Huimin Chung, Jane Raung Lin, and Ying Sui Yang, How do EntrenchedManagers Handle Stakeholders Interests?, The 2011 EFMA Annual Conference, 會議論文, 2011
2011 Junmao Chiu, Huimin Chung, Keng-Yu Ho, GeorgeH.K. Wang, Funding and Equity Liquidity in the Subprime Crisis Period:Evidence from the ETFs Market, The 19th Annual Conference on Pacific BasinFinance Economics Accounting and Management, 會議論文, 2011
2011 Junmao Chiu,Huimin chung, George H.K. Wang, Intraday Liquidity Provision byInformed versus Uninformed Traders in Limit Order Market: Evidence from TaiwanFuture Market, The 4th NCTU International Finance Conference, 會議論文, 2011
2011 Tuan-Fang Fan, Chum-Jung Liau, Duen-Ren Liu, Dominance-Based Rough Set Approach for Possibilistic Information Systems, Proc. of the 13th Intl Conf. on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing, June, 2011