Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2009 楊耿杰、曾士原、楊千, How do Collaborative Climate, Supplier Relationship, Trust, and Knowledge Sharing Affect the Performance in an Organization?”, 第二十屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, May. 23, 2009, 世新大學
2009 Yung-Ming Li, Wei-Ping Chiang, Chyan Yang, A Game Theoretic Analysis of Customer Selection, Additional Value and Pricing Strategy in Mobile Phone Market, 20th International Conference of Information Management, May. 23, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
2009 楊千、李永銘、楊耿瑜, 以賽局理論分析網路電話服務認證機制, 第二十屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, May. 23, 2009, 世新大學
2009 Liang, Woan-lih, Apr. 05-08, 2009
2009 Alex YiHou Huang, Chun-Da Chen and Chih-Chun Chen, Feb. 24-28, 2009
2009 2009 海峽兩岸財金趨勢研討會, The Effects of Tick Size Reduction on the Market Quality of Taiwan Stock Market, 2009 海峽兩岸財金趨勢研討會, 會議論文, Jan. 09, 2009
2009 , 2009
2009 , 2009
2009 , 2009
2009 H. Doong, H. Wang, and C Hsieh, Effects of Task Types and Communication Support Tools on E-Negotiation Performance: A Task-Technology Fit Perspective, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2009