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Undergraduate program
陽明交大資財系 110 學年度入學學生 課程規劃表
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University - Department of Information Management and Finance
Academic Year 2021 - Courses Guidance Form
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University - Department of Information Management and Finance
Academic Year 2021 - Courses Guidance Form
第一學年 (1st Academic Year) | 第二學年 (2nd Academic Year) | 第三學年 (3rd Academic Year) | 第四學年 (4th Academic Year) | |||||
上 學 期 (First semester) |
共同必修 (Common core course): 服務學習(一) (Service Learning (I)) (1) 生涯規劃與導師時間(一) (Career Planning and Mentor's Hours (I)) (1) 經濟學(一) (Economics(I)) 會計學(一) (Accounting(I)) 計算機概論(Introduction to Computer Science) 程式設計 (Programming) |
共同必修 (Common core course): 統計學(一) (Statistics(I)) 財務管理 (Financial Management) 管理資訊系統 (Management Information System) 金融科技概論 (Introduction to Financial Technology) |
共同必修 (Common core course): 期貨與選擇權 (Futures and Options) 公司理財 (Corporate Finance) |
共同必修 (Common core course): 資訊與財金專題(二) (Bachelor Thesis of Information Management and Finance (II)) (2) |
資管組 | 財金組 | 資管組 | 財金組 | 資管組 | 財金組 | 資管組 | 財金組 | |
微積分甲(一) (Calculus (I)) (4) | 微積分乙(一) (Calculus (I)) (4) | 演算法 (Algorithms) | 個體經濟學 (Microeconomics) | 人工智慧與金融科技實務 (Practices of Artificial Intelligence and Financial Technology) | ||||
必修 (Required) | 18學分 (credits) | 15學分 (credits) | 9學分 (credits) | 6學分 (credits) | 2學分 (credits) | |||
下 學 期 (Second semester) |
共同必修 (Common core course): 服務學習(二) (Service Learning (II)) (1) 生涯規劃與導師時間(二) (Career Planning and Mentor's Hours (II)) (1) 經濟學(二) (Economics(II)) 會計學(二) (Accounting(II)) 線性代數 (Linear Algebra) 資料結構(Data Structures) |
共同必修 (Common core course): 統計學(二) (Statistics(I)) 管理學 (Management) 資料庫管理 (Database Managements) 投資學 (Investments) |
共同必修 (Common core course): 資訊與財金專題(一) (Bachelor Thesis of Information Management and Finance (I)) (2) |
本系專業選修共4門課程: 學生須先依所屬組別選修1門本系該組專業選修課程,其餘3門本系專業選修課則可不分組別任選。 There are 4 elective courses in DIF professional program: Students are required to take 1 elective course based on their own program. The rest of 3 elective courses can be selected randomly, according to whether the Program of Information Management or the Program of Finance is taken. |
資管組 | 財金組 | 資管組 | 財金組 | 資管組 | 財金組 | |||
微積分甲(二) (Calculus (II)) (4) | 微積分乙(二) (Calculus (II)) (4) | 總體經濟學(Macroeconomics) | 財務報表分析 (Financial Statement Analysis) | |||||
必修(Required) | 18學分 (credits) | 12學分 (credits) | 15學分 (credits) | 2學分 (credits) | 5學分 (credits) | 0學分 (credit) |
Note: This table does not include foreign language courses and general education courses (the two total at least 24 credits). For related regulations, please refer to the General Rules of Common Courses of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University.
本系最低畢業學分數128學分 (The minimum requirement of graduation credits of DIF is 128 credits)
1. 資管組必修76學分、系專業選修12學分、外語+通識至少24學分,共112學分,其他選修16學分。
本系最低畢業學分數128學分 (The minimum requirement of graduation credits of DIF is 128 credits)
1. 資管組必修76學分、系專業選修12學分、外語+通識至少24學分,共112學分,其他選修16學分。
(The Program of Information Management: required courses 76 credits, the department major electives 12 credits, foreign language + general education at least 24 credits, a total of 112 credits, and other electives 16 credits.)
2. 財金組必修79學分、系專業選修12學分、外語+通識至少24學分,共115學分,其他選修13學分。
2. 財金組必修79學分、系專業選修12學分、外語+通識至少24學分,共115學分,其他選修13學分。
(The Program of Finance: required courses 79 credits, the department major electives 12 credits, foreign language + general education at least 24 credits, a total of 115 credits, and other electives 13 credits.)
DIF elective courses include: Introduction in Financial Engineering; System Analysis and Design; Financial Econometrics; Financial Risk Management; International Financial Management; Money, Banking and Financial Crisis; Mathematical Statistics; Information Security…