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Doctoral program

~.~.~Riles & Regulations~.~.~

The regulation of the PhD candidate qualification examination


Application Form for exempting Preliminary Courses:
Word) (ODF)
(Word) (ODF)
(Word) (ODF)
(Word) (ODF)
Data Structure  
(Word) (ODF)
(Word) (ODF)

Application Form for Changing Applicable Academic Regulations & Academic Requirements for Graduate Students  (Word) (ODF)
Advisor Application Form EN version (Word) (ODF)
Application Form for Major Transferring (Word) (ODF)

Forms for Oral defense of Dissertation Proposal:
1 Application Form for Oral defense of Dissertation Proposal (Word) (ODF)
2 Record Form for Oral Defense of Dissertation Proposal
3 Grading Sheet for Oral Defense of Dissertation Proposal
4 Committees List for Oral Defense of Dissertation Proposal

Forms for Oral defense of Dissertation:
Notices for fill-in all forms for Oral defense_PhD
PhD Packet for oral defense_EN version
Form 1-1 Application Form of Oral dissertation defense for PhD student
(Word) (ODF)
Form 1-2 PhD Graduation Credits Checklist
(Word) (ODF)
Form 2 Committee list_Sample
(Excel) (Excel ODF)
Form 3 Record Form of Oral defense for Master student (
Form 4 Grading Sheet of Oral defense for Master student 
Form 5 NYCU Thesis Defense Grading Sheet_master (
EN version WORD) (EN ODF)
Form 6 Thesis Approval Form_master (
EN version WORD)  (EN ODF)
Dissertation announcement-Sample

Thesis Format Guide
Sample file of dissertation
Time diagram of Leave School
Guideline for Leaving School Process