Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2008 Min-Jen Tsai* and Yuan-Fu Luo, Digital Right Management Based on Grid Computing Architecture, CSCWD2008, Apr. 16-18, 2008, Xi'an, China
2008 Li-Ping Cheng, Innovation towards Services: Some Productivity Issues and Innovation in Service and Manufacturing under KBE: A Brief Case on R.O.C. , APO Study Meeting 2008, Expansion and Development of Service Industry, 會議論文, Mar. 17-20, 2008
2008 , 2008
2008 , 2008
2008 , 2008
2008 , 2008
2008 Yeh, Y. H., P. G. Shu, Y. H. Su, and F. S. Ho, Board Structure, Intra-Industry Competition, and the R&D Announcement Effect, European Financial Management Association 2008 Conference, (Others), 2008, Athens, Greece
2008 Fan, J. P. H., M. Jian, and Y. H. Yeh, Successions in Emerging Markets: The Roles of Specialized Assets and Transfer Costs, European financial Management Association 2008 Conference, (Others), 2008, Athens, Greece
2008 H. Doong and H. Wang, The Impact of Cognitive Styles on the Future Use Intention of E-negotiation Systems, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2008
2008 劉忠峰、黃興進、張惠娟、陳壹琮、石俊榮, 護理人員數位學習系統持續使用模式之研究, 第十九屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 2008