Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2008 黃興進、郭光明, PACS與放射部門效能之研究:資訊科技、人力、流程及委外廠商資源之角色, 第十屆全國資訊管理博士生學術交流研討會, 2008
2008 黃興進、張恵娟, 護理人員使用e-Learning研究之:結合資訊系統成功模式與使用後接受模式之觀點, 第十屆全國資訊管理博士生學術交流研討會, 2008
2008 Hsin-Ginn Hwang, Rai-Fu Chen, A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Customer Satisfaction with Internet Banking, Western DSI 2008, 2008
2008 Ju-Ling Hsiao, Rai-Fu Chen, Hsin-Ginn Hwang, Technology Assessment for the implementation of Mobile Nursing Stations: A Case Study, 2008 3rd International Symposium on Healthcare Information Management, 2008
2008 Han-Hsing Lee , Alternative Methods to Determine Optimal Capital Structure: Theory and Application , 會議論文, 2008
2008 Han-Hsing Lee , Default Prediction of Alternative Structural Credit Risk Models and Implications of Default Barriers, 16th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting and Management, 會議論文, 2008
2008 Tian-Shyr Dai, K.-L Wang, T. Tai, Pricing Snowball Notes with Hull-White Model and Quadrature Methods , TFA 2008, 會議論文, 2008
2008 Tian-Shyr Dai, K.-L Wang, T. Tai, A Novel Tree Model for Evaluating Credit Risk based on Enhanced Structure Model , Quantitative Mathematical Finance Conference 2008, 會議論文, 2008
2008 Tian-Shyr Dai, Y. D. Lyuu, The Bino-Trinomial Tree: A Simple Model For Efficient and Accurate Option Pricing , 2008 FMA European Conference Prague, Czech Republic, 會議論文, 2008
2008 Tian-Shyr Dai, Y. D. Lyuu, T.C. Chen, A Simple, and Efficient Tree Model for Option Pricing , MFA 2008 USA, 會議論文, 2008