Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2007 H. Wang and H. Doong, Validation in Internet Survey Research: Reviews and Future Suggestions, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2007
2007 H. Wang, Y. Ku, and H. Doong, Case Study in Mobile Internet Innovation: Does Advertising or Acquaintances Communication Decide Taiwan” Mobile Internet Diffusion?, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2007
2007 H. Doong, A. Liao, and H. Wang, The Effects of Emotion Strategies on E-negotiation Behavior and Outcome, Eleventh Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2007
2007 H. Doong, H. Wang, and P. Chen, An Empirical Study of Online Reputation System Continuance, International Symposium on Information System & Management, 2007
2007 H. Wang, H. Doong, and F. Lin, Determinants of E-Government Service Adoption: An Innovation Diffusion Perspective, International Symposium on Information System & Management, 2007
2007 J. Quan, H. Doong, and H. Wang, Sources of Influence for the Diffusion of Electronic Tax Return Fillings in the US, Workshops on IS/IT Issues in Asia Pacific (ISAP), International Conference on Information Systems, 2007
2007 Tian-Shyr Dai, Shi-Gra Lin, Limin Liu, A Hybrid Importance Sampling Algorithm for VaR , 2007 The Second International Conference Innovative, 會議論文, 2007
2007 Li, Y.-M., V. Chi, C.-Y. Chiu , Proc., Effects of BBS Information Sharing on Users' Online Purchasing Behaviors, 18th International Conference on Information Management, 2007, Taipei, Taiwan
2007 Li, Y.-M., J.-C. Chen, T.-Y. Li, Proc., A Blog System with Trust Mechanism, 18th International Conference on Information Management, 2007, Taipei, Taiwan
2007 Li, Y.-M., M.-M. Hsu, K.-C. Chou, A.-H. Lee Proc., Game Theoretic Analysis of Online Video Service Strategy, 18th International Conference on Information Management, 2007, Taipei, Taiwan