
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2024 Yao-Tsung ChenCheng-Yen Yu and  Shu-Yi Lin, An investment strategy based on news sentiment words and its empirical performance, Journal of Investing, vol. 33, 5, Jul. 2024
2024 Bui, Chan, Lin, and Lin, Lottery jackpot winnings and retail trading in the neighborhood, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 167, pp. 107269-, Jul. 2024
2024 Xiaorui Zuo, Yao-Tsung Chen, Wolfgang Karl Härdle, Emoji Driven Crypto Assets Market Reactions, Management & Marketing, vol. 19, 2, pp. 158-178, Jul. 2024
2024 Liu, J. C., Chen, C. T., Lee, C., & Huang, S. H*., Evolving Knowledge Graph Representation Learning with Multiple Attention Strategies for Citation Recommendation System, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology(SCI), vol. 15, 2 Article No33, pp. 1-26, Mar. 2024
2024 Chen, C. T., Lee, C., Huang, S. H*., & Peng, W. C, Credit Card Fraud Detection via Intelligent Sampling and Self-supervised Learning, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology(SCI), vol. 15, 2 Article No35, pp. 1-29, Mar. 2024
2024 Wu, M. C., Huang, S. H*., & Chen, A. P., Momentum portfolio selection based on learning-to-rank algorithms with heterogeneous knowledge graphs, Applied Intelligence(SCI), forthcoming, Mar. 2024
2024 MA SP, TANG ML, YU KM, Härdle WK, WANG WH, XIONG W, ZHANG XL, WANG K ZHANG LP, TIAN MZ, A Censored Quantile Transformation Model for Alzheimer's Disease Data with Multiple Functional Covariates, J Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 2024
2024 Keilbar G, Miftachov R, Härdle WK, Shapley Curves: A Smoothing Perspective, J Business Economics Statistics, 2024
2024 ZUO XR, CHEN YT, Härdle WK, Emoji-driven Sentiments in Cryptocurrency Markets: Integrating Visual and Textual Contexts , Management and Marketing Journal, 2024
2024 Häusler K, Härdle WKH, ETF construction on CRIX, Financial Innovation, 2024