
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1999 Chyan Yang, Chen-Hua Fu, Two source-controlled mechanism for reducing traffic congestion, NCS99 全国计算机会议, 1999
1999 王耀德,杨 千,王桂英, 公家机关与民营机构人员事业生涯成就、工作满意、组织承诺与离职倾向关连性之比较研究—以公立中小学教师与半导体产业员工为例, 第一届亚太管理学术研讨会论文集, 1999
1999 杨 千,柯心滢, 大陆研发人才招募与管理相关问题研究—以上海宏碁新高软件公司为例, 1999中华民国科技管理研讨会, 1999
1999 Chi-Chun Lo and Tsen-Ping Hsu, The Integration of EDI and Internet Electronic Mail Security Mechanisms Using MINE - Feasibility Study and Prototype Development, The 5th International Conference on Information Management Practice, 1999, Taipei, Taiwan
1999 Chi-Chun Lo and Wei-Hsin Chang, An Approach to the Capacitated Multipoint Network Design Problem Using Genetic Algorithm, ICICS'99, 1999, Singapore
1999 Chi-Chun Lo and Yu-Jen Chen, Secure Communication Mechanisms for GSM Networks, the 10th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, 1999, Sydney, Australia
1999 Chi-Chun Lo, Shing-Hong Chen, and Bon-Yeh Lin, Coding-Based Schemes for Fault Identification in Communication Networks, IEEE MILCOM ’99, 1999, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA
1999 Chi-Chun Lo and Yu-Jen Chen, A Secure Communication Architecture for GSM networks, IEEE PACRIM ’99, 1999, Victoria, B.C. Canada
1999 Yu-Jen Chen, Chi-Chun Lo, Isaac Yi-Yuan Lee, and Chien-Lin Chen, An Active Security Monitoring Mechanism for the World Wide Web, The Ninth National Conference on Information Security, 1999, Taiwan
1999 Chi-Chun Lo and Wei-Hsin Chang, A Multiobjective Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Capacitated Multipoint Network Design Problem, IEEE ICC’99, 1999, Vancouver, B. C. Canada