
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2008 Chi-Chun Lo, Ding-Yuan Cheng, Chi-Hua Chen, and Jin-Shaiang Yan, Design and Implementation of Situation-Aware Medical Tourism Service Search System, Management Track within WiCOM: Information Systems and Management, 2008, Dalian, China
2008 Wen-Chih Tsai, An-Pin Chen, ervice oriented architecture for financial customer relationship management., Second International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems., 2008
2008 Sue-Fung Wang, Kehluh Wang, Chiu Nan Tsai , Profitability and Characteristics of Risk Arbitrage: Evidences from Leveraged buyouts in the U.S , 安泰论文奖, 会议论文, 2008
2007 杨 千、汪青蓉、杨耿杰, 高科技产业矩阵式组织之成功关键因素 - 以应用材料为例, 2007科技与管理研讨会, Dec. 22, 2007, 台北科技大学
2007 杨 千、杨耿杰、郑中樑, 书籍比价系统与资讯撷取之研究–以 Findbook为例, 第十三届资讯管理暨实务研讨会, Dec. 08, 2007, 树德科技大学
2007 Chyan Yang, Szu-Hui Wu, Joahanna Lee, A Study of Collaborative Product Commerce by Co-citation Analysis and Social Network Analysis, The International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Dec. 02-05, 2007, Singapore
2007 Chyan Yang, Keng-Chieh Yang, and Jen-Hung Yang, Perspectives from Different Levels of Management Teams on Business and Information Systems Strategies Alignment – a Case of Alpha Networks Inc, The Seventh International Conference on Electronic Business, Dec. 02-06, 2007, Taipei,Taiwan
2007 Min-Jen Tsai*, The workflow kernel development and benefit analysis for electronic manufacturing industry, ICEB2007, Dec. 02-06, 2007, Taipei, Taiwan
2007 Chyan Yang, Keng-Chieh Yang, and Shih-An Feng, A Research of Service-oriented Media Adaptation System, The 2nd International Conference on Advances in Information Technology, Nov. 01-02, 2007, Bangkok, Thailand
2007 Min-Jen Tsai*, Chih-Wen Lin, The Collaboration of Noise Reduction and Human Vision System Models for a Visible Watermarking Algorithm, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Sep. 16-19, 2007, San Antonio, United States