
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2004 Chi-Chun Lo and Chun-Lung Huang, A Study on Payment Methods for Mobile Networks, The 15th International Conference on Information Management, 2004, Taipei, Taiwan
2004 Sue-Fung Wang, An-Pin Chen, Jhi Shen Tsai , R&D Expenditures and Firm Performances-Comparison Among Asia Pacific , Europe and North America, PBFEA conference, 2004
2003 杨 千、吴佳纯, 网络消费者决策型态之研究, 2003 企业管理研讨会暨电子商务经营管理研讨会选辑, Dec. 13, 2003, 台中
2003 Chia-Hui Huang, Han-Ying Kao, and Han-Lin Li, Web Services for Forward Integration in International Tourism Supply Chains: A Case Study of Tourism in Thailand, International Conference on Electronic Business, Singapore, Dec. 09-13, 2003
2003 Han-Ying Kao, Chia-Hui Huang, and Han-Lin Li, An Optimization Model for Dynamic Supply Chain Diagnostics and Decision-Making, European Applied Business Research Conference, Jun. 09-13, 2003
2003 Chia-fu Kuo, Chyan Yang, Web Enabled Programming For Semantically Integrated Services, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada
2003 Chia-fu Kuo, Chyan Yang, Semantically Integrated Web Application Development For Non-programmers, 第十四届国际资讯管理学术研讨会, 2003
2003 洪秀婉, 傅振华, 杨 千, 科技研发能量评估系统之整体规划, 2003中华民国科技管理学会年会暨论文研讨会, 2003
2003 Li, Y.-M., Y. Tan, Y.-P. Zhou, Proc., On the Scale of Peer-to-Peer Networks, 13th Annual Workshop Information Technology Systems, 2003, Seattle, USA
2003 Chi-Chun Lo and Wen-Chuan Hsieh, An SIR Measurement-Based Admission Control Algorithm for UMTS, International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics, and System, 2003, Kaohsiung, Taiwan