
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1995 Chi-Chun Lo and Chen-Yu Chiou, The Design of a Fault-Tolerant ATM Network, ICCC‘95, 1995, Seoul, Korea
1994 Chyan Yang & L. Liao, Issues of Reenineering: A Reference Framework of Business Transaction, The 5th International Conference on Information Management, 1994
1994 C.Yang, & C. H. Fu, An Implementation of Traffic Monitoring for UNIX Network Performance Management, Mid-America Chinese Professional Annual Convention, 1994
1994 K. L. Kuo, C.Yang and F. Y. Kuo, An Investigation of Earcon and Auditory Icon Toolkit, International Computer Symposium, 1994
1994 唐明月、杨千、丁承、许和钧、吴寿山、苏国樑、叶宏谟, 管理科系资料处理技术相关学程设计, 第六届管理教育研讨会, 1994, 中坜
1994 陈定邦,杨千, 卫星传播科技发展策略, 中华民国科技管理研讨会论文集, 1994
1994 赖志松,林荣斌,杨千, 如何促进我国立法及行政部间对委办科技计画的共识, 中华民国科技管理研讨会论文集, 1994
1994 林荣斌,赖志松,杨千, 专业保护对产业技术发展的影响, 中华民国科技管理研讨会论文集, 1994
1994 Chi-Chun Lo and Wen-Hung Liao, An Authentication System for the OSI-Network, The First Cross-Strait Conference on Information Management, 1994, Shanghai, China
1994 Chi-Chun Lo and Shiow-Chun Liou, Object-Oriented Query Model, The 5th International Conference of Information Management, 1994, Taipei, Taiwan