
搜尋類別: 關鍵字搜尋: Clear
年度 論文名稱
2009 H. Doong, H. Wang, and J Fong, The Effects of Virtual Product Experience on Changing Consumers’ First Impression Bias, The 16th International Conference on Information Technology and Travel & Tourism, 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2009 H Doong, C Yeh, S Hsu, and H Wang, The Effect of eWOM Interface Design and WOM Recommenders on eWOM Diffusion, Hawaii International Conference on Business, 2009, Hawaii, USA
2009 H Doong, S Chan, S Hsu, and H Wang, The Factors Influencing Consumer Adoption of Information Security System, Hawaii International Conference on Business, 2009, Hawaii, USA
2009 H Doong, C Hsu, S Hsu, and H Wang, The Effects of Interface Design of Recommendation Agents on Changing Negative eWOM, Hawaii International Conference on Business, 2009, Hawaii, USA
2009 H Doong, W Chung, S Hsu, and H Wang, Design and Evaluation of Bargaining Agents: Emotional Appeal and the Effect of Avatar, Hawaii International Conference on Business, 2009, Hawaii, USA
2009 Kuang-Ming Kuo, Ju-Ling Hsiao, Hsin-Ginn Hwang, A Study of the Outsourcing Partnership in Healthcare Industry, 2009 DSI Annual Meeting, 2009
2009 陳郁慧、劉忠峰、黃興進, 影響醫院導入知識管理之關鍵因素:以感染控制為例, 2009年國際健康資訊管理研討會, 2009
2009 Hsing-Hua Huang , Macroeconomic Conditions, Productivity, and Capital Structure Choices , 2009創新與管理國際學術研討會(ICIM2009), 會議論文, 2009
2009 Han-Hsing Lee, Default Prediction of Alternative Structural Credit Risk Models and Implications of Default Boundaries, 2009 Annual Meeting, Financial Management Association, 會議論文, 2009
2009 Rodrigo Hernandez, Wayne Y Lee, Pu Liu, Tian-Shyr Dai, Outperformance Certificates: Analysis, Pricing, Interpretation, and Performance1 , 44th EWGFM Meeting 2009, 會議論文, 2009