
搜尋類別: 關鍵字搜尋: Clear
年度 論文名稱
2009 Li, Y.-M., N.-J. Lien, An Endorser Discovering Mechanism for Social Advertising, 11th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
2009 Li, Y.-M., H.-W. Hsiao, Recommender Service for Social Network based Applications, 11th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
2009 Li, Y.-M., H.-C, Chang, J.-H. Jhang-Li, Advertising Strategies for Peer-Supported Content Services, 11th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
2009 Li, Y.-M., C.-Y, Lai, C.- W. Chen, Identifying Bloggers with Marketing Influence in the Blogoshpere, 11th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
2009 Li, Y.-M., J.-H. Jhang-Li, Proc., Comparing B2B Trading Mechanisms, 8th Workshop on eBusiness, 2009, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
2009 Li, Y.-M., J.-H. Jhang-Li , S.-W. Chuang, Proc, Pricing and Capacity Planning in Online Games: The Design of Contracting-out Model, 8th Workshop on e-Business, 2009, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
2009 Li, Y.-M., J.-H. Jhang-Li, Y-. Fong, Proc., Comparing the Contracts for Digital Music Channels, 8th Workshop on e-Business, 2009, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
2009 S.V. Sergey, F.J. Hwang, and B.M.T. Lin, Makespan minimization in parallel flow shops, The 9th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP 2009), 2009
2009 S.V. Sevastyanov and B.M.T. Lin, Efficient for generating all optimal schedules for the two-machine Johnson problem, The 22nd, 2009
2009 Wei-Peng Chen, Junmao Chiu, Huimin Chung, Keng-Yu Ho , Investor Trading Behavior, Market Liquidity and the Role of Investor Sentiment , 2009 FMA annual conference, 會議論文, 2009